Friday, January 30, 2009

I Never Have

This last New Years, I wanted to do something special for Indy. So, I went to the Three Dog Bakery near my house. It's a specialty shop that hand makes all of their dog treats. They use regular people ingredients and it really smells like a pizza place when you walk in there. I got Indy the "Bulldog Biscuit". It was big and looked delicious and I knew he would love it. It had a cookie on the bottom, then a layer of cream, then another cookie, and it was all topped with beautiful icings and sprinkles. It smelled awesome and looked like something they make on the Ace of Cakes show. They wrapped it in wax paper and put it in a brown sack for me. I really thought that the packaging didn't do it justice. I brought it home and put it in the fridge. I waited 1 whole week before I could give it to him. Every time I opened the fridge, I would look at the brown paper bag sitting there with that amazing treat inside it, wondering what it would taste like. Would it really be that gross? I mean, it's made from regular ingredients, how bad could it be, right? When New Years finally came, I grabbed the bag out of the fridge, unwrapped the treat, and just held on to it. I didn't call Indy over, I was thinking that I might break a piece off and see if it really tasted as good as it looked. Maybe, if I took some of the cream from the middle and a piece of the cookie with all of the icing, I wouldn't even notice that it was a dog treat. I was about to break off the perfect bite when I stopped and looked down at the bone shaped treat I had bought my dog for New Years. Really? Could I really do this? Just then, as I was doubting my decision to eat a dog treat, Indy came trotting around the corner wagging his tail. I gave him the treat and he loved it like I knew he would. So, I never have eaten dog food, but I kind wish I had.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Favorite Pictures

This is Indy at Puppy Class graduation. He was the best in his class!

I took Indy with me on vacation last summer. We went to Disneyland and Big Sur, California. This picture was taken near Carmel.

This is the same trip. Indy was best buds with my dad. They were so cute!

I just like this one a lot. It shows his big brown puppy dog eyes!

I call this his Elvis lip. He does it a lot and looks adorable!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Cutest Puppy Ever!

This is Indy the day I picked him up at the airport.

I bought him off the internet and they flew him in from Minnesota. The place I got him from turned out to be a little sketchy (shocking, I know) and he had 4 different ring worm spots and a bad knee.

Every one else is blogging, so I'm trying it, too.

We'll see how it goes.